Wednesday 2 April 2008

A Strange Thought

I have an electric guitar and I dont really need my acoustic guitar anymore.. but I have the fondest of my memories with the acoustic.. do you think thats a consolation enough for the acoustic?? Especially given its grief that its position in my life has been taken up by something else??



Anonymous said...

Ouch! I feel sorry for the acoustic but am torn between saying 'One has to move on' and feeling scared, wistful and sad at the guitar being no longer needed... I'd feel like shit if that happened to me. Hell I feel like shit THINKING about it happening to me.
Just wondering though... why would you not play it anymore? Do you quit looking at other attractive people because you are committed to one?

Lion cub said...

a question does not answer a question but merely silences the question. only an answer can ever answer a question.. :)

DewdropDream said...

uh uh... okay, an answer for an answer then :)
I suppose, once the sadness is past, of having been left behind, one accepts the changes and treasures the past... age and loss miss youth and togetherness, but they don't cease to exist, do they? They become beautiful things all their own...

Your turn :)